Monthly Archive:: April 2022

25 Apr 2022

Spruce (Picea abies L.) planting leads post-clearcut bird assemblages to a novel successional pathway—a comparative study in hemiboreal mixed forests

Key message Bird assemblages in planted spruce (Picea abies L.) forests were compositionally distinct from those in naturally regenerated mixed stands. Despite rapid stand development on productive soils, even-aged silviculture cannot host most old-forest species. However, their
21 Apr 2022

Responses to defoliation of Robinia pseudoacacia L. and Sophora japonica L. are soil water condition dependent

Key message Defoliation significantly affected biomass allocation of Robinia pseudoacacia L. and Sophora japonica L., but leaf physiology readjusted to control levels at the end of the experiment. Considering carbon or sink limitation and relative height growth
20 Apr 2022

The role of wood harvest from sustainably managed forests in the carbon cycle

Key message We investigate the flux balance of managed and protected forests and the effects of using wood. – Flux parameters of CO2 uptake and respiration do not differ between managed and protected forests. – Accounting of
15 Apr 2022

Managing forest risks in uncertain times of climate change

Key message Managing forest risks in uncertain times of climate change necessitates novel and adaptive forest decision approaches. Multiple risks (biotic and abiotic) and sources of uncertainty should be identified, and their quantities over decision horizon should
15 Apr 2022

Recolonization by Indigenous broadleaved species of a conifer plantation (Cupressus spp.) in Northern Iran after 25 years

Key message A vegetation analysis revealed the extent of recolonization by native vegetation of a 25-year-old Cupressus spp. plantation in northern Iran. A young indigenous Quercus-Carpinus community replaced the conifers in the low-slope areas with deeper, heavier,
14 Apr 2022

Towards sustainable management of forest residues in the southern Apennine Mediterranean mountain forests: a scenario-based approach

Key message Managing forest residues according to the carbon content of the soil helps to minimize the ecological footprint of their removal. Keywords Forest management plans; Woody residues; Soil organic content (SOC); Soil organic carbon stock (SOCS);
13 Apr 2022

Offering the appetite for the monitoring of European forests a diversified diet

Key message Forest monitoring in Europe is turning matter of renewed political concern, and a possible role for ICP Forests health monitoring has been suggested to meet this goal (Ann For Sci 78:94, 2021). Multipurpose national forest
11 Apr 2022

Position, size, and spatial patterns of bark stripping wounds inflicted by red deer (Cervus elavus L.) on Norway spruce using generalized additive models in Austria

Key message Bark stripping wounds by red deer (Cervus elavus L.) were assessed on 9026 Norway spruce trees. Wound variables (length, width, area, relative width, height above ground, and angle) were analysed using generalized additive models with
11 Apr 2022

Temperature and precipitation affect seasonal changes in mite communities (Acari: Mesostigmata) in decomposing litter of broadleaved and coniferous temperate tree species

Key message We identified the effect of microclimatic conditions on soil mite communities (Mesostigmata) during the decomposition of broadleaved and coniferous litter. The abundance, species richness, and diversity of mite communities decreased from spring to autumn regardless
5 Apr 2022

Climate and ungulate browsing impair regeneration dynamics in spruce-fir-beech forests in the French Alps

Key message Different components of water balance and temperature reduce density and height growth of saplings of Picea abies (L.) H. Karst (Norway spruce), Abies alba Mill. (silver fir) and Fagus sylvatica L. (European beech) in mixed