Social sciences have so much more to bring to climate studies in forest research: a French case study
Key message
Faced with wicked problems such as climate change, managers of complex forest social-ecological systems require more than experimental sciences alone. Yet, mitigation and adaptation studies underuse social sciences in forest research, as shown here with the French case study. Therefore, we stress the value of social sciences for forest researchers, and extend this reflection to research funding bodies, forest authorities, foresters, and society at large. We identify training and publications as the main levers for more holistic forest research, and posit that with short-, mid-, and long-term changes, social sciences can complement (not replace) experimental sciences in climate studies led by forest researchers.
Climate change; Forest sciences; Social sciences; Interdisciplinarity; Research orientation; Funding
Fouqueray, T., Frascaria-Lacoste, N. Social sciences have so much more to bring to climate studies in forest research: a French case study. Annals of Forest Science 77, 81 (2020).
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Handling Editor
Erwin Dreyer