Shuguang (Leo) Liu joins Annals of Forest Science as a new Associate Editor
Professor Shuguang (Leo) Liu is a distinguished professor, Director of the Ecology Program at the Central South University of Science and Technology (Changsha, China).
Leo received a B.S. in Forest Sciences from the Central South University of Forestry & Technology (1984), a M.S. in Forest Ecology from the Beijing Forestry University (1987) and a PhD in Forest Ecology and Watershed Management from the University of Florida (1996).
His research interests are :
- Status and trends of forests at regional to global scales
- Mechanisms of forest responses to global change
- Applications of advanced modeling systems to simulate the impacts of land use, disturbances, and climate change on water, carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycling over large areas.
- Forest macroecology
- Responses of urban forests to environmental changes
He has published more than 200 peer-reviewed papers. In addition to providing review services to about 50 scientific journals, he serves as an Editor of several other journals (Frontiers in Earth Science, AIMS Energy, Chinese Geographical Science and the Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany).
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