Open Access Archive

8 Nov 2023

Climate-smart forest management caught between a rock and a hard place

Key message The UNFCCC COP 27 in Sharm El-Sheikh confirmed that climate policies too heavily rely on climate mitigation by forests rather than on de-fossilizing the energy system, to keep global warming within the safe 1.5 °C.
27 Oct 2023

Genetic variation of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Eurasia: impact of postglacial recolonization and human-mediated gene transfer

Key message The range-wide level of genetic variation of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is geographically structured. High admixture and low genetic structure of populations in Central Europe and Fennoscandia suggest past recolonization from multiple sources and
26 Oct 2023

Potential alternatives for Norway spruce wood: a selection based on defect-free wood properties

Key message The application of material selection principles uncovered eight possible alternative tree species (two deciduous and six coniferous species) to substitute Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) and potentially prevent economic loss in European forest.
23 Oct 2023

Effect of sample size on the estimation of forest inventory attributes using airborne LiDAR data in large-scale subtropical areas

Key message Sample size (number of plots) may significantly affect the accuracy of forest attribute estimations using airborne LiDAR data in large-scale subtropical areas. In general, the accuracy of all models improves with increasing sample size. However,
18 Oct 2023

Trade-offs among leaf toughness, constitutive chemical defense, and growth rates in oaks are influenced by the level of leaf mass per area

Key message Among the variety of leaf defensive strategies to counteract herbivory attacks, the oak species analyzed in this study maximize investment in no more than one, with high-LMA oaks developing very tough leaves and low-LMA oaks
17 Oct 2023

Limiting temperatures of embryo growth and seed germination of Fraxinus excelsior L. (Oleaceae): a threshold model approach

Key message We have examined thermal control for embryo growth and seed germination in European ash. Using historical data (span of 36 years) of embryo index in matured seeds, we showed that maturation is not influenced by
5 Oct 2023

Strong pollen limitation in genetically uniform hybrid chestnut orchards despite proximity to chestnut forests

Key message In arboriculture, the number and diversity of pollen donors can have a major impact on fruit production. We studied pollination insurance in hybrid chestnut orchards (C. sativa × C. crenata) provided by nearby wild European chestnuts (C.
5 Oct 2023

Rolling front landscape breeding

Key message Forest tree breeding must undergo significant revisions to adapt to the evolving challenges posed by climate change. Addressing the shifts in environmental conditions requires a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach that includes theoretical work and practical application.
18 Sep 2023

A 14-year series of leaf phenological data collected for European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) from their geographic range margins in south-eastern France

Key message Phenology is of increasing interest to climate change science and adaptation ecology. Here, we provide bud development, leafing, and leaf senescence data, collected on 772 European beech and silver fir trees between 2006 and 2019
13 Sep 2023

Monitoring montane-subalpine forest ecotone in the Pyrenees through sequential forest inventories and Landsat imagery

Key message Abies alba Mill.–Pinus uncinata Ramond. ecotone dynamics are examined along both altitudinal and protection level gradients by combining field inventories and Landsat data. An upward expansion of A. alba to the subalpine belt is observed