Case study analysis of innovative producers toward sustainable integrated crop-livestock systems: trajectory, achievements and thought process

This study explores the perceptions of Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems (ICLS) producers. Despite challenges, these producers have perceived benefits in their farming systems and livelihoods from managing ICLS. The research underscores the need for systemic initiatives and knowledge exchange to facilitate the complex management of ICLS. This study can inspire and encourage producers to embark on the ICLS journey.

Moojen, F.G., Ryschawy, J., Wulfhorst, J.D. et al. Case study analysis of innovative producers toward sustainable integrated crop-livestock systems: trajectory, achievements, and thought process. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 44, 26 (2024).

Analysis of wheat yield gaps in Ethiopia

Wheat field
Copyright Silva et al.

In Ethiopia, wheat yields must increase substantially to accommodate population and dietary changes. Scientists Vasco Silva et al. measured the influence of water, suboptimal inputs, crop management, and technology on yield gaps. They attributed 50% of the yield gap to a lack of technology. They estimated, however, that if more inputs were added and used more efficiently, fine-tuning current management practices could double yields and achieve wheat self-sufficiency without increasing crop area.

Premier pathways for intensification of African agriculture

Picture copyright Kuyah et al.

Smallholder farms in sub-Saharan Africa struggle to choose good agronomic sustainable intensification practices because they lack information on innovations. Researchers Kuyah et al. reviewed the innovative practices widely adopted by farmers in specific regions. Agroforestry, cereal-legume intercropping, conservation agriculture, doubled-up legume cropping, fertilizer micro-dosing, planting basins, and push-pull technology are key innovations able to provide multiple benefits, build synergies, increase resource use efficiencies, and reduce agricultural carbon footprints.